West Michigan Adult & Teen Challenge

Cedar Creek Community Church is proud to promote Western Michigan Adult & Teen Challenge, part of the Teen Challenge USA network.  The mission is to provide adults & teens freedom from addiction and other life-controlling issues through Christ-centered solutions.

These recovery programs teach students how to have a relationship with God and break free from addiction through the power of Jesus Christ. Through effective discipleship, mentoring, and life-skills training, ATC and its affiliates have seen positive outcomes and radical life-transformation throughout its 60 year history.

To view the monthly newsletter, click here.

To learn more or to get help, visit www.wm-tc.com

World Mission

World Mission delivers the Word of God in audio format to oral learners living in unreached people groups. We believe that it is our responsibility as Christians to follow the Great Commission, “Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit” (Matthew 28:19-20).

While it is always our desire to reach everyone, anywhere, we specifically focus our efforts on reaching the Unreached; those throughout the world who have never had the opportunity to hear the gospel and accept Jesus Christ.

To sign up for the newsletters, click here.

Don & Pat @ WYAM Tyler

We know the most pressing situation that is happening now is the war between Russia and Ukraine. A friend of mine that I have been in correspondence with since 2005 has given her account of what is presently happening and specifics on how to pray…

Pray. Pray. Pray.

  • For quick resolution of major issues and the war to cease

  • For lives to be spared, and an ongoing outpouring of generosity

  • For deeper spiritual and historical issues at the root of the conflict to be exposed and a process of healing and restoration at every level

  • For protection over those in harms way, and that every refugee can find a safe haven

  • For the surrounding nations that are overwhelmed with refugees and all those who are volunteering.

  • For an awakening that would spread throughout the whole region and into Europe

  • For our teams in Russia, Belarus who face severe sanctions, isolation, and repression

  • For our heroes in Ukraine who are serving in the face of danger, exhaustion and separation from family.

World Venture

Ramadan - Islam’s sacred month of prayer and fasting - starts the evening of Sunday, March 10th, 2024 and continues until April 9th. The long holiday provides followers of Jesus with unique opportunities to love and serve Muslims in tangible, honoring ways that might point them to the good news.

World Venture’s new booklet - Ramadan: Now Is The Time - provides information about Ramadan while offering tips for how to engage our Muslim friends and neighbors with the love of Jesus.

Jane Powley Missionary

August 2023

Dear Praying Friends,

How’s your summer going? You’re probably saying it’s almost over! Here, Dakar Academy is already back in session like schools in the US. In Senegal, our summer isn’t June to August, but rather July to September. The elementary students are normally finished with classes by the end of June and the last of the 2022-2023 school year ends with the final exam of those students going into high school. The library remains open with a special summertime schedule.

I‘m happy for the five kids who have decided to make the library part of their summer activities, but that is only for one hour a day. According to the number of students this time last year this is rather typical. When schools close, the kids often travel to visit family or have other things to do. Sitting around reading books isn’t generally on their list.  Last year we had several university students who came to use the library during the summer months, but that doesn’t seem to be the case this year.

One of the things I enjoy most is the “before work” devotions I have with my library workers five days a week and with my maid two days a week. By September 30, our last day in the library, we will have covered from Genesis 1:1 through the book of Nehemiah. My maid and I started in November 2022 in Genesis 1:1 and I’m hoping to be able to finish the stories of Moses and at least introduce Joshua. RESULTS: My maid, Juliette, is a Catholic and is being introduced to the Old Testament for the first time. The other day I unexpectedly came home while she was working, and she was listening to praise music on her telephone. A little later that same morning I walked over to the bank where her husband, François, works; he was sitting in front of the bank with a large – well used – Bible reading something in the book of Psalms. I am praying daily for the salvation of my maid and her husband. They are showing that they have a great desire to know the Lord. Please pray that they will realize how much the Lord wants a relationship with them. RESULTS: This morning my devotional plan was put aside because one of my library workers was delayed in getting to work. The Lord provided a Bible story video in Wolof and an illustration that has been going over in my mind since last weekend. I was pleased to see a different attitude and acceptance from my worker, Boubacar. He is at a crossroads in his life. I think he’s finally understanding what I’ve been sharing with him about Jesus and the salvation that is available for everyone who believes and chooses to accept. Please pray for these three individuals who seem to be interested, but who still have not accepted the gift of salvation.

In six weeks, I will be leaving Senegal for probably the last time. I have an apartment to clean out, doctor’s appointments, and will continue to work in the library until September 30. Please pray that I will continue to be a faithful representative and witness in my neighborhood. My contacts here are intentional – I go to the same tailor to get clothes made, buy fruit from the same fruit stand as much as possible, shop in the same small boutique on the corner, exchange money for phone credit with the same man and greet by name the lady who roasts peanuts by my house on the way home from the library (across the street from where I live.) My “job” here includes being salt and light in my neighborhood as well as the hours I’m “at work”. Evangelism is a 24/7 responsibility. Please pray that I will be faithful to do what I’ve been called to do and be watchful for the moments when God is doing His job of drawing people to Himself.

Thank you for your faithful prayer support. I look forward to seeing many of you in the next few months. My itinerary is nearly finished; I am still waiting to hear back from a couple of churches before it will be completed.

In Christ, Jane Powley

June 2022

Dear Praying Friends,

Things were rather tense in Senegal yesterday as the Senegalese prepare for the next election that will take place this summer. As always political change makes some people very happy and some not so much. On days like yesterday it is such a privilege to know the KING of KINGS and the LORD of LORDS, and the One who will reign forever.

When I wrote in May, I gave you a glowing report of 211 students who had already visited the library. Since the beginning, we have allowed students equivalent to 9th grade through university level to come any of the 40 hours we are open each week. Students equal to 5th grade through 8th grade are welcome to come two afternoons a week and the younger students are invited to come Saturday afternoon. The first two months we had only one university student who came rarely. We are praising the Lord for the increase He is bringing. As of today, we have 10 university students and more high school students are coming as well. We had a sign for the library on order that should have been finished by opening day and yet we got it just last week. It has made a big difference. I almost said all the difference, but that isn’t true as our prayers are making a difference as well.

Here are the numbers we currently have in June. The numbers reflect only those who have picked up their membership cards. 27 students gave us registration forms, but have never been back to the library to pick up their cards. Elementary students 13, middle school 36, high school 20, and university 10. Please pray with us that we won’t be just a well equipped library, but a place where the love of Christ will be seen and felt.

Thank you so much for your encouragement and faithful prayer support.

In Christ, Jane Powley

December 2021 Update

Dear Friends at Cedar Creek Community Church,

Some Christmas seasons are quite predictable. On this date I’ll do… and on this date I’ll go…. But, today is December 1 and I have no idea how the festive aspect of this month will transpire. I’m living in a borrowed home, in a new neighborhood and city, and my normal way of doing things will be different. One of the things about this month that is special is that this is the first Christmas my roommate and I have ever celebrated Christmas together and it is her last Christmas, as far as she knows, in Senegal. She has been here for over 50 years, but in earlier days we didn’t live close together and in more recent years she’s gone home to Hawaii to spend Christmas with her aging parents. Both of whom lived to be more than 100 years old. She loves the Christmas season as much as I do so although I don’t know what I’m doing – I plan on it being memorable and fun.

This has already been a memorable year full of things unexpected. As you have read I was asked to move to Dakar to begin a library in the new community center/church in the Parcelles Assainies neighborhood of Dakar. I’m getting used to the neighborhood and I like it. I’m hoping to be able to finally move the library furnishings into the library in December and I will move to a new apartment in the neighborhood in June.

Along with these events to look forward to, the Lord has opened other unexpected doors that will make my last 22 months here in Dakar very special. The unexpected doors are renewed friendships. I am thinking of four friends specifically; all but one of these individuals you have been asked to pray for in the past. They are Gaby Mbaye, Moise Dieme, Paul Lopy, and Boubacar Diatta. Gaby and Moise worked with me at Le Cadeau Ultime for many years. Paul, as a young boy, was my first student in the little school I started in Dalifort – PaLo n’DiFa. Both Paul and I moved out of Dakar and have just recently both returned. It is great to be back in Dakar where I can see these friends more often. Gaby and Moise both have wives that love the Lord and between them there are ten kids. The fourth friend, Boubacar Diatta, is not a former friend from Dakar, but a friend from Thies who will be moving to Dakar for the first time to work at the library with Gaby and me.

Thank you for your faithful prayer and financial support this last year. I’m looking forward to the future and I am grateful for your partnership as your prayers and financial gifts are what is making this possible. I’m happy to be back in Dakar and back with long time friends, but the future holds new opportunities to share Jesus in this new place and make many new friends. Each year seems to go by so quickly. Please pray I’ll use my time wisely and this time next year be able to give you a report of the great things He’s done.

Merry Christmas 2021 and may God bless you in the coming New Year.

In Christ, Jane Powley

Ballivian Missions

Join the newsletter mailing list by sending an email to lauren.ballivian@ywamtyler.org

September 2023


YWAM Tyler believes that God has big purposes for teenagers. This is why we are committed to running summer missions camps each year. Our program is called SST. The heart of our camps is to help teens establish a lifelong relationship with God and introduce them to world missions. This summer we ran three camps and took teens on outreach to Dallas, Houston, and Morelia, Mexico. Lauren and I served the camp staff and students both administratively and pastorally.

Here are a few stories:

  • When I was little, my mom and dad divorced leaving a gap in my heart. I grew up in a Christian family, but I really met God during SST. He really helped me feel like I was never alone in the world, and that someone sees me.

  • Throughout the week, I went from a spiritual skeptic to realizing that I'm a loved son of God. I learned how to interact with people, whether I like them or not, and how to interact with God.

  • I learned (on outreach in Dallas) that Muslims are so nice! My perspective on them changed so much! I also learned that another way of loving God is by just sharing his love with others!

  • God used the outreach week to further confirm a missionary calling he has for me.

All of these are just beautiful glimpses of what God has done through SST and YWAM Tyler this summer. God is so faithful! Thank you for praying and standing with us!


  • Lauren is currently serving as an administrative assistant for one of the directors at YWAM Tyler and preparing to start a Leadership Development Course here at YWAM Tyler.

  • Nate will help train and onboard new YWAM Tyler missionaries.

  • YWAM Tyler is welcoming twenty-five new students to Discipleship Training School and Discipleship Bible School.


The transition from summer to fall is here with its many school and sports activities and hopefully cooler weather! Remy is playing football and Gabe is trying out baseball. Bea is an honorary cheerleader. So far they are all enjoying themselves. Please join us for a game if you are ever in town!

As always thank you for your continued love and support. It's a privilege to partner together to raise up and send missionaries.

Nate. Lauren gabriel. Ephraim. & Beatriz


Join our group on Facebook @Ballivian Missions

October 2022

Greetings from Juarez!

Hello team!

I just wanted to let you know that Nate made it back to Juarez! His time in Michigan was hard but really good as well. He had a great time connecting with family, praying together, and helping wherever needed. The challenging part was seeing his mom suffer. Her body is weak and very fragile. Our biggest prayer is that she powerfully encounters Jesus and has His peace in this time.

The leadership course is also in full swing as well. God is at work and bringing a lot of healing and transformation. It is so exciting to witness the transformation in the lives of leaders because we know this will have a multiplying effect as they go home!

Gabe, Remy, and Bea are having a blast as well. Thank you for your prayers, love, and support for our family during this time.

Much love, The Ballivians

Spring 2022

Who Are You Becoming?

Something I am learning is that God cares more about who I am becoming than what I’m doing. It can be easy to do the right thing or do good things without allowing God to mold my heart. Live it says in Psalm 51:17, “My sacrifice, O God, is a broken spirit; a broken and contrite heart you, God, will not despise” (NIV). Because of this, I have been intentional to ask, “God, who do you want me to become in this season? Who are you making me into? Am I becoming the person (leader, parent, friend, son, citizen, etc) that you want me to become? What adjustments in my beliefs or habits do I need to make in order to align myself with your purposes for my life?” I challenge you to do this with me and allow God to build his Kingdom in you and then through you.

Is Your Team Dysfunctional?

We are passionate about raising up Great Commission leaders and teams. We are able to do this in a practical way by leading a monthly meeting for team leaders at TYAM Tyler. In our last meeting, we focused on how to create a healthy team by going over The 5 Dysfunctions Of a Team by Patrick Lencioni. The Five Dysfunctions model talks about five things unhealthy teams lack: trust, healthy conflict, commitment, accountability, and results. After the meeting we had several leaders thank us for introducing them to the model and some even went over it with their teams. This is very exciting for us because the healthier our teams are, the greater Kingdom impact they will make. Thank you for helping us impact these leaders and their teams!

Support For Ukraine

Starting in the next few weeks, YWAM Tyler will be helping send teams to minister to Ukrainian refugees. The goal is to partner with YWAM locations in Eastern Europe and serve them as they serve the thousands of refugees that are pouring in. We pray the conflict with Russia ends quickly. Until then, we feel called to mobilize teams to serve and spread the love of Jesus in that region. If you would like more information on how to give or be a part, please reach out to us.

Thank You

As always, thank you for your continued prayer and support. We are so grateful to partner with you to help others know God and make Him know.

Big hugs,

Nate, Lauren, Gabe, Ephraim, and Beatriz Ballivian

December 2021

The Next Wave

This fall we oversaw the training of 14 new staff members. The goal of this one year training is to help new staff integrate into our community and gain a foundation in being a YWAM missionary. Please pray for us as we continue to train and disciple the next wave of missionaries.

Hope at The Border Continues

Outreaches to the border slowed down for a few months but things are starting to pick up. In November, YWAM Tyler sent a medical team to offer medical and dental assistance, pass out humanitarian kits, share the gospel, and pray for people. Though Lauren and I are not longer coordinating these outreaches we are so happy to see YWAM Tyler teams continue to bring God’s hope to this region.

The Joys of School

Lauren is homeschooling our kids and really enjoying it. She loves that it allows her to spend time and pour into them without any distractions (besides the occasional tantrum). They are currently reading lots of books about nature, history, and Christmas!

Surrendering to God

Something I am learning is that I cannot fulfill God’s calling on my life in my own strength. After feeling burnt out and overwhelmed with life and ministry, I was reminded of Christ’s invitation to fully surrender to Him. Matthew 11:28-29says, “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls.” Were you depending on your own strength and not the Lord’s? What areas of your life is Jesus asking you to bring to Him? Join me in surrendering to Jesus and trusting Him to take care of everything in your life.

Merry Christmas

As always, we are so thankful for your friendship and partnership! We pray you have a wonderful, restful, and meaningful Christmas season.

Much love,

Nate, Lauren, Gabriel, Ephraim, and Beatriz Ballivian